Pan-Oston Blog

5 Trends for Improved Loyalty And Informed Shoppers

Posted by Pan Oston on 3/30/17 8:59 AM

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Trends for 2017 are:

Digital Engagement: Supermarkets chains will improve their digital tactics outfitting their stores with beacons, embedded throughout a store's shelves, signs and product displays. These beacons interact with smartphones using low-energy Bluetooth signals to provide coupons and other discounts. Discounts and specials will be available through more mobile apps, and online grocery ordering and delivery will grow. 


Speedy Check Out: Amazon is testing a no-checkout store in Seattle, which relies on a mobile app for checking in and out of the supermarket. Sam's Club and Kroger are testing new checkout options such as using a smartphone or a special handheld scanner that enable shoppers to scan and bag products while they shop. Other grocers will follow their lead as customer expectation for speedy checkout continues.


Produce Diversity: Shoppers are looking for organic fruits and vegetables as well as local produce. Combine that with an ever-increasing racially and ethnically diverse population, and you can expect a wider variety of all types of food.

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Meal Kits: Shoppers will be able to choose from a variety of "meal kits" from Plated, Blue Apron, and Hello Fresh. ConAgra and Campbell Soup have launched meal kits, and other food makers will follow as will supermarkets chains. 


Product Information: New Smart Labels on thousands of products will appear by the end of 2017. Scanning this sophisticated barcode in the store or conducting an online search will reveal ingredients and other attributes of a wide range of consumer-packaged goods.

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Topics: Grocery, supermarket, trends, loyalty, shoppers